Your customers don’t care about discounts. Here’s why they really buy…

You know that feeling when you're staring at your phone, wondering why nobody's buying even though you KNOW your offer is amazing? (Currently feeling seen? Same. We've all been there 👋)

When your offer’s always available, It's totally natural to think "Maybe I should run a sale!" after a few quiet days. But here's a truth that changed everything for me: Your customers aren't waiting for a discount. They're waiting for a reason to act NOW.

Let me explain with a quick example...

I was working with a client recently who has an online offer. She thought lowering her prices was the answer to attracting more customers but even with her lowered price, no one was buying.

When we dug deeper, we discovered something that completely shifted her strategy: Her biggest past surge in sales had nothing to do with discounts. She’d offered the very same discount at different times (with more people on her list) and made fewer sales. Her best sales period happened when her discount aligned with a real, urgent problem her community faced every few months, and positioned her offer as a solution that would fix it and ease a major stress.

With limited time available to work on her business, this was the perfect strategy because it meant that she could recreate her offer calendar around a timetable that actually suited her life as well.

Here's why discounts often fall flat:

  • When someone needs a wedding photographer, price isn't their first concern - missing out on their dream photos is

  • If you're buying a special occasion outfit, you're not waiting for a sale - you're looking for that "oh my gosh, THIS is it!" moment that makes you feel amazing

  • When you're ready to uplevel your business, you're not looking for the cheapest coach - you're looking for the right guide at the right time

See what I mean? In each case, the real motivator isn't price - it's timing and transformation.

Discounts CAN work, but they usually work MUCH better when there’s an added piece to the picture as well- natural urgency. So let's talk about how to create that "right time" feeling in your business! And before you cringe thinking about those countdown timers that never end (we've all seen them, right? 😅), let me paint a different picture.

Think of urgency less like a pushy sales tactic and more like letting your friend know the perfect yoga class only has two spots left. It's not about manufacturing pressure - it's about giving your people a helpful heads up when something that's perfect for them has natural time or space constraints.

See, the most effective (and feel-good) urgency comes from authentic limitations that actually exist in your business.

Maybe you only have capacity to take on three branding clients per quarter because you want to give them your full attention. Perhaps it really would make sense to do limited, seasonal print runs. Or you genuinely close enrolment for your course so you can focus on supporting your current students.

These are the kinds of boundaries that not only make your offers more appealing but actually help you run a more sustainable, joy-filled business. (Plot twist: good boundaries create good urgency! Who knew?)

The secret sauce? Planning these natural rhythms in advance. When you map out your genuine capacity limits and business cycles, you can create a calendar of authentic urgency triggers that:

  • Respect your energy (hello, proper rest between launches!)

  • Honour your customers' timing (no pressure, just perfect timing)

  • Keep working while you're off having a life (automated emails, anyone?)

  • Build trust instead of eroding it (because real deadlines mean real deadlines)

Think of it as creating gentle nudges that help your perfect-fit customers stop procrastinating on their dreams, while you maintain the kind of business that lets you actually live yours.

Here’s some examples of natural nudges you might be able to add into your calendar:

For Product-Based Businesses:

  • "First 20 orders get a bonus self-care bundle" (appeals to FOMO and adds value)

  • "Last 5 pieces of our summer collection" (scarcity that feels natural)

  • "Botanical print pre-order week" (exclusive access window)

  • "Final restock of our bestselling planners until 2025" (clear deadline)

  • "Only 3 left in this fabric" (natural inventory limits)

For Service Providers:

  • "September strategy sessions now booking" (timeline urgency)

  • "Only 2 spots left before my rates increase" (value-based urgency)

  • "Next group program starts April 1st" (clear start date)

  • "Taking on 3 new clients for Q2" (limited availability)

  • "Portfolio website package - 4 spots available" (specific capacity)

But here's the key: This only works if it's REAL. Your audience can smell fake scarcity from a mile away (and honestly, it makes us all feel icky).

Ready to create authentic urgency in your business? Here's your action plan 👇

  1. List Your Natural Limits.
    What genuine constraints exist in your business? Time? Energy? Materials? Capacity? Start here.

  2. Map Your Customer's Timeline.
    When do they NEED what you offer? Back-to-school season? Year-end? New Year? Wedding season? This is gold for timing your offers.

  3. Create Clear Windows
    Instead of being available 24/7, create specific times when people can work with you or buy from you. (Bonus: This also helps prevent burnout!)

  4. Add Value Instead of Subtracting Price
    What could you offer that makes buying NOW more attractive? Early-bird bonuses? Extra support? Exclusive access?

  5. Communicate With Clarity
    Be specific about your limits and deadlines. "Three spots left" is more powerful than "limited spots available."

The best part? When you implement this, something magical happens. Your offers become more appealing, your energy stays higher (because you're not always "on"), and your customers actually appreciate knowing exactly when and how to work with you.

Because here's the truth: People don't need a discount to buy from you. They need clarity, confidence, and a gentle nudge that says "this is your time."

Ready to create more momentum in your business? This is exactly what we work on inside She Owns It Membership.

Speaking of urgency, if you sign up this week you get a bonus Visibility Bundle valued at $500!



Hey Rach… How do I ‘quit’ social media and still get customers?