Here’s how to finally (and quickly) make ‘success’ happen
If there’s one thing I’ve come to realise lately, it’s that success is NOT what we’re told it is. Success is not:
🚫 A million dollar business
🚫 Your first 10k month
🚫 Thousands of followers
Or any of the other glamorised things you see online. How do I know that? Because I’ve done all of those things. And I didn’t FEEL any different because of them. In fact, here’s what happened instead:
🚫 A million dollar business- I realised I had grown a business that didn’t make me happy
🚫 Your first 10k month- Pressure to do it again and again and feeling bad when I didn’t
🚫 Thousands of followers- Didn’t equal income
There is a problem with the way we’ve been told to view success.
Success shouldn’t be some lofty far off goal that you’ll hopefully get to ‘one day.’
When you do that- when you pedestal some future version of yourself, you’re effectively telling yourself the version of you that exists right now isn’t a success, isn’t ok.
And that starts a downward spiral.
Of thinking ‘well I’m not there yet, so I’m not a success.’ ‘I don’t have it in me because I haven’t done it yet, or I’m finding it hard’ etc etc
And then you fall into paralysis, not doing the things you need to do to take steps forward.
Instead, here’s what I’ve learnt (and what has literally transformed my life in the last 6 months):
➡️ Success should be about TODAY.
Have a dream- have goals- yes of course! Make them big, bold, FUN ones!
- Instead of ‘lose weight’ my dream is ‘get incredibility fit so I can have fun and live a vibrant full life with my kids’
- Instead of ‘pay myself 100k’ my dream is ‘to transform the small business experience for women’
But heck, I don’t want to wait until I get there to love myself! To feel fulfilled. To feel like I’m contributing, to feel fit, healthy, well and proud of ME. I want to feel that today.
Does that resonate with you?
’Cause here’s the kicker.
When you focus on making TODAY a good one, everything changes.
When you show up for yourself in the Messy Middle of your life- the everyday- you step out of future focus and instead see instant results.
When you change your focus from a far off ‘goal,’ to intentionally planning and executing a successful day, you:
⚡️ Nourish your body and have more energy
⚡️ Feed your brain and increase your focus
⚡️ Skyrocket your self belief and start taking massive, impactful action
Because all of this ^^ leads to you:
⚡️ Thinking better thoughts, remove limiting beliefs you might have about what’s ‘ok’ to want for yourself
⚡️ Dreaming bigger and believing that you can make it happen
⚡️ Finding clarity on the simplest path forward and then DOING IT- taking action even if it’s challenging or you fail sometimes
Your business WILL grow if you do this. Because when you’re at your best, your business follows suit.
The biggest win though?
It’s that you start feeling good about yourself. Like, immediately.
Success is feeling good about yourself. Success is knowing what you want and why you want it and being prepared to show up every day - even if it’s hard- and take action to move closer to those dreams.
Success is feeling proud about yourself every day. Starting your day with intention to live, grow, find joy and put your best foot forward.
When you do this, you can change the trajectory of your life.
And look, there have been times for me when I’ve read something like this and thought, ‘that’s not me.’ Or ‘I just don’t have it in me right now.’
Sometimes, life does get in the way of your ability to show up for yourself.
I believe we need to hold space for that.
But if that’s you, here’s what I want you to cling to. There will come a day when you say you to yourself- I’m ready. I can take that next step.
So have hope. Keep that flame, those dreams, alive. Because when that day comes, you’ll know what to do.
Let’s light that fire together and remind each other we have actually got this, and your dream, and your DAY matters!
There’s 💫 magic 💫 in the Messy Middle my friend!
PS: If you’re in the Membership, have you checked out your new Custom Growth Dashboard? It’s specifically designed for solo biz owners who struggle to know what to work on when- and it’s going to help you get clarity on your goals, prioritise them and make a simple, powerful action plan.