Tired of goal setting that doesn’t work? Try this 5-Move Strategy instead

Let’s be honest—traditional goal setting can sometimes feel like an endless cycle of frustration. You set a big goal, make a plan, create a never-ending to-do list, and then… life happens. Somewhere between task #23 and 30, the overwhelm kicks in, and suddenly, that goal feels further away than ever. Sound familiar?

Here’s why: most of us overcomplicate the process by trying to do too much. We pile on tasks, get lost in the details, and forget to focus on the moves that actually make the biggest impact.

Recently, I read High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, and learnt about his Five Move Planning method as an alternative approach- and it resonated. So today, I’m going to share it with you, in case it helps you with your goals, your dream or to decide your next 🚀 Mission of the Month 🚀 if you’re in the She Owns It Membership with us.

What is 5 Move Planning?

Five Move Planning is like your step-by-step roadmap to take you from “where do I even start?” to “I did the thing!” with simplicity and clarity.

Instead of spreading yourself thin with a hundred little tasks, this approach helps you zero in on the five most important moves you need to take to achieve your goal. It’s about simplifying, focusing, and creating real momentum.

Let’s break it down:

Step 1: Get Clear on Your Big Goal

First things first, what are you actually trying to accomplish? Answer this question: The biggest goal or dream I have that I want to accomplish in the next 12 months and need to plan out now is…

I know, sounds basic—but the clearer you are, the better. Maybe you want to launch a podcast, hit that revenue milestone, or grow your email list by 2,000 subscribers (yep, let’s dream big here). Whatever it is, write it down and get specific.

*Example:* "I want to grow my email list by 2,000 subscribers in the next 90 days."

Step 2: Break It Down into 5 Key Moves

Now, here’s where the magic happens. Instead of trying to tackle a million little tasks, ask yourself: What are the 5 Moves that would help me progress swiftly towards accomplishing that dream? The five things that’ll have the biggest impact.


1. Create a lead magnet that your audience can’t resist.

2. Build a landing page to collect emails (and make it look pretty).

3. Run a few targeted ads to get that lead magnet out there.

4. Partner up with someone awesome for a joint promo.

5. Host a free webinar to connect with potential subscribers.

As you brainstorm your moves, ask yourself for each one- is this move essential to the result? Could I get the result I’m after without doing this step? This will help you narrow down tasks to your 5 most important Moves.

Step 3: Break Each Move into Bite-Sized Mini Tasks

Once you’ve got your 5 Moves, you can break them down even more. We’re talking bite-sized, doable tasks that you can chip away at. This way, you’re not feeling overwhelmed, and you can cross things off your list like a boss.

This is where 🚀 Mission of the Month 🚀 comes in (our signature Monthly Challenge inside the She Owns It Membership).

- Once you’ve prioritised your 5 Moves above, pick the one that you’re going to be working on first and break it down into doable mini tasks:

Example for Move 1 (Create a lead magnet)

- Poll your audience to see what they’re craving

- Brainstorm 3-5 content ideas for your lead magnet

- Choose a format (eBook, checklist, guide—whatever works)

- Write it, design it, and get it ready to share with the world

If you’re doing 🚀 Mission of the Month 🚀 with us, share this as your Mission with us inside the Membership and let’s have some fun supporting each other to keep momentum and get it done- it works!:

Step 4: Prioritize + Schedule

Now that you’ve got your five moves and mini-tasks, it’s time to get them on your calendar. This is where it gets real—set some deadlines or time block periods in your diary to get it done- and stick to them! The goal here is to focus on one move at a time, so you’re not trying to do *all the things* at once.

Pro tip 1: Start with the most important move first, then work your way down the list. No multitasking allowed, friend.
Pro tip 2: Join us at weekly Virtual Co-Working inside the Membership to time block time to work on your tasks

Step 5: Check in + Adjust as Needed

Here’s the thing: your plan isn’t set in stone. Once you start making moves, check in with yourself regularly. Are you making progress? Do you need to tweak something? Keep adjusting as you go, and trust that you’re getting closer to your goal with every step.

And if you finish a move fast? Just move on to the next one and enjoy that feeling that you’re showing up for yourself and your dream 💕.


I love 5 Moves because the framework works so nicely with my ethos that success isn’t in the end goal.

I’ve set time aside to create my Five Move Plan and it has felt liberating. I’ve let so much go- things that I was telling myself were essential but actually just… weren’t.

So, I’d love to know are you going to try 5 Move Planning?? And if you’re in the Membership- bonus points because now you can map out your 5 Move Plan on your very own Custom Growth Dashboard! 🎉


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