Show your brand.
Make it shine

​With hundreds inside our Membership and a wider social community of over 30,000 Kiwi women in business, She Owns It is a great place to get your business seen.

➡️ Using other people's already established communities- like She Owns It 🙌 - to drive new eyes to your website and socials is one of the most cost effective Visibility Strategies you can use 🚀

Here's How To Make The Most Of It ⤵️

How to build brand awareness with She Owns It

  • Ready to get visible with She Owns It? Here’s the scoop:

    It's about brand awareness not sales. What's the difference?

    - Brand awareness is about attracting a steady stream of new potential customers into your world

    - Sales is about making offers to purchase ready people

    Spaces like She Owns It are a great place to build brand awareness, becoming known as a founder and business owner and building credibility.

    If you make offers too soon to people who don’t know you or understand your offer, it can damage your brand.

    So we recommend you use She Owns It to build brand awareness. Be a part of the community! Share your journey, the ups and downs, and help us get to know you.

    That will drive brand awareness and send new people your way.

  • Our Directory is live on our website which gets thousands of hits a month, so taking 5 minutes to complete your profile is 100% worth it for the visibility and backlinks to your site.

    We also pick completed profiles to promote across our platforms. Remember to #ShopSheOwnsIt  and support NZ's women owned!

  • Connect with your Local Group host and talk with them about doing an informal presentation for your group. This is a fantastic opportunity to build confidence speaking in front of others and share your knowledge with the people who will support you.

  • Every Thursday we have a Marketday online which is an AMAZING free opportunity for you to promote your business to our wider audience of over 13,000 Kiwi women in business.

    Every week we're accepting hundreds of new Members, so it's an ongoing source of new potential eyes for your brand!

    ➡️ Here are some post prompts for you

    ➡️ Get some posting inspo HERE, HERE and HERE

    A failproof strategy is to use this prompt and #Reintro yourself to the group:

    #REINTRO 👋 Hi! I'm [your name], here's 3 things you don't know about me! ⤵️

    1. Thing 1

    2. Thing 2

    3. Thing 3 (they should be interesting, personal, fun)

    I'm also Founder of [your business] and [share something here about how you're feeling about biz at the mo, why you love what you do etc]. 


    That's it!

    Add the #Marketday tag at the END and add a photo of you or of you with your products (don't add a branded image or 'sale' image those posts get barely any engagement)

    Happy Marketday! ✨

  • We love to collab with you and feature you across our platforms! Here's how you can make it happen:

    ➡️ Share an Instagram story about a SOI event you go to or why you love the Membership, tag


    and we'll share to our stories!

    ➡️ Complete your Directory Profile to be picked to be featured in our Newsletter

    ➡️ Submit your details here to be considered for a member interview or to showcase your expertise in a training