• It's easy!

    Step 1: Have some fun imagining where you could go with your business- dream a little!

    Step 2: Decide what you want to do to move towards that in the next 12 months

    Step 3: Choose the goal that's your main priority right now and use it to create your Mission of the Month! We'll support you making it happen 🎉

  • No problem! Your growth journey is yours and yours alone.

    Only YOU know what you need to work on right now, what you want to focus on in life and in business.

    She Owns It is here to meet you where you're at.

    Whether your Mission is to hit 50k turnover for the month, or press pause on business to rest and take some intentional time out, we're here for it.

    Just remember, whatever season you're in, we believe in you 💕

  • Yes. Your Growth Dashboard is device and browser specific. Which means your computer saves the data locally. No one else can see your answers (including She Owns It) and your answers are not submitted anywhere.

  • Yes. However, this feature is device and browser specific, which means you need to use the same device and same browser (eg Chrome/ Safari) to see your previous entries.

  • The Growth Dashboard is currently best used and viewed on desktop.

  • It's unlikely but a possibility. As we don't hold the data at our end we cannot provide backups. We recommend you screenshot any critical data or save it elsewhere as a backup.

➡️ For support or questions completing any of these steps tap into our coaching calls, Voxer Day or tag me in @Rachel Lewis in the Membership group ✨

Craft an Inspiring Vision:

Start With Your Wins:

Your Mission

Parking Lot of Dreams

It's great to have lot’s of dreams or goals for your life and business. Let’s give them space! Consider this your 'parking lot' of life dreams you don't want to forget. You don't have to action all of these thoughts and ideas now. But consider this a place where you can keep plans safe to prioritise and come back to:

TIP: Not sure what to focus on/ add here? Check out the Wheel of Life Assessment Tool to help you make some decisions