➡️ For support or questions completing any of these steps tap into our coaching calls, Voxer Day or tag me in @Rachel Lewis in the Membership group ✨
Your Next Goal
Considering your Vision and your Mission, what’s the next most important Goal you need to work on to make it happen? THIS is what we’re going to plan out and focus on right now. It’s ok to have other goals, but they can stay in your parking lot, ready to work on when this project is done.
So, what is the biggest project you need to plan out/ focus on right now?
Your Next Goal to map out/ focus on right now:
These are dreams.
✦ Feel fit so I can fully experience my life
✦ Travel and explore the beauty of the world
✦ Eat healthily so I glow inside and out
✦ Serve freely and build an audience of raving fans
✦ Grow my business for income, impact and freedom
Dreams are desires or hopes for your future. They are fun and they are creative and they help you raise your limits of what is possible in life 💕
TIP: When you create your dreams, words matter. Make them attractive, meaningful & exciting to you!
These are goals.
✦ Enter in and complete a 5km run in May
✦ Book flights to France today
✦ Plan and eat 5 healthy lunches this week
✦ Engage with 10 new Insta accounts per day
✦ Get 5 new clients in June
Goals are incremental steps you intend to take that lead you toward your dream.
TIP: Each goal should have a number (it’s measurable) and a ‘Podium Moment’ a moment when you KNOW it’s DONE and you can celebrate!